Theraplay® is a dyadic child and family therapy developed over 50 years ago. It focuses on promoting healthy child/caregiver attachment, a key factor in good mental health and resilience. Modern neuroscience supports the idea that attachment is crucial for children to understand, trust, and thrive in their world.
Theraplay has 4 dimensions that are present in sessions: Structure, Engagement, Nurture and Challenge.
Structure: Set parameters and provides framework
Nurture: Affirms that we are not alone, regulates
Engagement: Supports us in understanding needs that leads to connection
Challenge: Helps us grow
During Theraplay sessions, I will lead parent and child in enjoyable games, developmentally stimulating activities, and affectionate, nurturing interactions. The structure and interactive nature of these activities assists the parent in staying attuned while regulating your child's behavior. As a result love, joy, and a sense of safety are conveyed.